ICE CREAM冰淇淋襪_摩卡時分

尺寸 Size:
襪體尺寸 (Socks) _ L 250mm x W 80mm x H 5mm
尺碼對照 (Size chart) _ JP 23-26, EUR 36-41, US 5-8
包裝尺寸 (With packaging) _ L 140mm x W 98mm x H 80mm
材質 Material:
半精梳棉 (Semi-combed cotton)
彈性纖維 (Spandex)

ICE CREAM SOCKS,捲起來是一球冰涼可口的冰淇淋,展開後是色系粉嫩的時尚襪款。採用觸感滑順的半精梳棉織製,搭配內層毛巾布質,透氣吸汗、穿著舒適。穿上冰淇淋襪,今夏就屬你最甜蜜!

洗滌說明 Washing instruction

請使用中性洗滌劑30度清水洗滌。Please wash at 30℃
清洗完畢請置掛於陰涼通風處晾乾。Hang dry in a cool ventilated place.
請注意不可整燙、烘乾與氯漂。No iron in, tumble drying, or bleach.
尺寸規格 Specifications

The above is flat measuring size for reference only. Please take note that each pair of socks may differ slightly, we appreciate your kind understanding.
購買須知 Terms & conditions
Customers must read and understand our terms and conditions before purchasing, as socks sold are NOT returnable, exchangeable nor refundable. To customers outside of Taiwan who wish to purchase our products, please contact: You may NOT purchase directly on this website. Thank you!

BALL SOCKS, a socks collection presented by 25TOGO DESIGN from Taiwan, kick off your imagination for a pair of socks. Playing with the concept of ‘transforming a pair of socks into a socks ball’, 25togo has launched unique socks designs to international market. Designed for the comfort to feet, those terry socks made of semi-combed cotton material are breathable, absorbent, and warm. They are also excellent in preventing the fibers from pilling or shifting. For those who roll socks and those who are just about to pick up the habit, have BALL SOCKS take you further.
To customers outside of Taiwan who wish to purchase our products, please contact: You may NOT purchase directly on this website. Thank you!
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