
Graffiti notebook 名畫?塗鴉筆記本


所有訂單皆以新台幣結帳。All orders are processed in NT dollar.


產品尺寸:L 15cm W 21cm D 1cm







When I was a little kid gazing upon the famous paintings at museums, I always want to be an artist with ebullient enthusiasm and unlimited creativity. But now I dream about elegant Mona Lisa screaming and shouting, Napoleon riding a Ubike to conquer, Vincent 's Bedroom in Arles full of Iron Man figures and Afro-hair under the turban of Girl with a Pearl Earring. If we are allowed to make any change in the characters and settings of famous paintings, would these scenes be more interesting and more intriguing?

There are the characters and things of famous paintings, which are isolated from their original settings by image processing software, on the pages of Famous Painting/Graffiti Notebook. You can reinterpret the well-known painting the way you like it, such as completing the original setting from your memory, adding your own style or even integrating various elements from any era and any culture. The pages of Famous Painting/Graffiti Notebook are made of original drafting paper exclusively for Japanese cartoonists - premium paper from Japan. Regardless of painting tools - by markers or by color pens, our product makes colors more vivid, layers more prolific. The paper texture fits for writing, making great integration of graphics and texts. The binding by PUR gluing on the side make notebooks more robust, letting you lay them fully open and flat during your panting. A total of 54 famous paintings on the pages are ready for your originality and creation.

Imagination is as important as knowledge. No matter who you are - Da Vinci II or Banksy 2.0, you are encouraged to bring your imagination into full play and create your masterpieces with all your strength.









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